The New SSS Blog

Photos + A Little Bit About a Lot of Things

Thought Experiment

by Steve Shupe in Trump · 2 min read

What is a “thought experiment”? As the name suggests, it’s an “experiment” (usually conceived by scientists) that involves a hypothetical situation, conducted in one’s imagination rather than in the actual physical world. Although that sounds dicey, there have been many thought e ...

Footnotes for Facebook

by Steve Shupe in Facebook · 3 min read

In high school I took an advanced writing class, which required me to write a research paper of at least 10 double-spaced typewritten pages on a subject of my choosing (provided the instructor approved it). My paper was about the impact of nuclear power plants on aquatic life. Th ...

What if Trump Shot Someone on Fifth Avenue?

by Steve Shupe in Trump · 9 min read

I went off on a friend (by now, probably an ex-friend) on Facebook about her unreasonable, unbreakable support for Trump. I had made the argument that Trump's actions and inaction increased deaths from Covid-19. In particular, I argued (see if there's a flaw here, I don't think ...

The Trump Convention's Biggest Lie

by Steve Shupe in Trump · 2 min read

Of all the falsehoods, half-truths, prevarications, distortions, misstatements, deceptions, ... oh heck, let's just call it what it is ... of all the lies you're going to hear during the Trump convention, this will be the biggest and most-repeated: that Trump took a poor Obama ec ...

We Visited Amador County

by Steve Shupe in California · 2 min read

Suzie was starting to go stir crazy from being in the house in Kensington so long, as was I to a lesser extent, so we decided to go on a 4-day getaway. We were wanting to go someplace new, someplace not too far of a drive away, someplace warmer (it had been coolish in Kensington ...

How Can Trumpers Defend Sheer Incompetence?

by Steve Shupe in Coronavirus · 4 min read

The graph below is Exhibit 1 for how far the United States has sunk under the (mis)management of the Trump 'Administration'. It shows the seven-day rolling average of new coronavirus cases in the United States (population 328.2 million) and the 27 countries comprising the Europea ...